
第壹部分: 選擇題( 占72分)
一 、 詞 彙 ( 占 15分)


Amy did not                changes in the course schedule and therefore missed the class.

   (A) arrest (B) alarm (C) notice      (D) delay

Amy 沒有               課程改變,因此錯過了上課。

  (A)  逮捕 (B)警報 (C) 注意 (D) 延誤 答:C


It is not easy for old people to        their backs, so they need help when their backs itch.

  (A) label (B) scratch (C) lighten (D) squeeze

這對老人而言,老人要 ______ 他們的背不容易,因此當他們的背癢的時候需要幫助。

  (A) 貼標籤 (B) 抓 (C) 使…亮 (D) 擠壓 答:B


Mary is suffering from a stomachache and needs to eat food which is easy to          .

  (A) launch (B) invade (C) adopt  (D) digest

Mary 正忍受著胃痛,她需要吃容易 ______ 的食物。

  (A) 發動 (B) 侵略 (C) 採納 (D) 消化 答:D


Since our classroom is not air-conditioned, we have to      the heat during the hot summer days.

  (A) consume (B) tolerate  (C) recover  (D) promote

由於我們的教室沒有冷氣,當下夏天的時候我們必須 _____ 高溫。

  (A) 消費 (B) 忍受 (C) 恢復  (D) 促進 答:B


Sue is so         that she always breaks something when she is shopping at a store.

  (A) religious (B) visual (C) clumsy

(D) intimate


Sue 是如此的 ______ 以致她經常打破東西,當她在商店購物的時候。

  (A) 宗教的 (B) 視力的 (C) 笨手笨腳的 (D) 親密的 答:C

(…so… that… 因為….以致)


Ann enjoyed going to the flower market. She believed that the         of flowers refreshed her mind.

  (A) instance (B) dominance (C) appliance (D) fragrance

Ann 喜歡去逛花市。她相信花的 ______ 能清新她的頭腦。

  (A) 事件 (B) 主導 (C) 設備 (D) 香味 答:D


The profits of Prince Charles’s organic farm go to        to help the poor and the sick.

  (A) charities (B) bulletins (C) harvests (D) rebels

Charles 王子有機農場的利潤是用作      去協助窮人和病人。

  (A) 慈善機構 (B) 公告 (C) 收成 (D) 叛亂 答:A

(定冠詞 the 加集合形容詞 rich, poor, homeless….是汎指這個族群的人。)


Jack was given the rare         of using the president’s office, which made others quite jealous.

  (A) mischief (B) privilege (C) involvement (D) occupation

Jack 被給予使用董事長辦公室這個極少見的     ,這件事使得其他的人相當的嫉妒。

  (A) 不幸 (B) 特權 (C) 涉入 (D) 佔領 答:B


This new computer is obviously     to the old one because it has many new functions.

  (A) technical (B) suitable (C) superior (D) typical

這個新電腦顯然地         舊的,因為它有許多新的功能。

  (A) 技術的 (B) 適合的 (C) 較優的 (D) 一般的 答:C


Simon loves his work. To him, work always comes first, and family and friends are               .

  (A) secondary (B) temporary (C) sociable (D) capable

Simon 喜歡它他的工作。對他而言,工作永遠是第一,而家庭和朋友是             

  (A) 其次的 (B) 暫時的 (C) 社交的

(D) 有能力的



Although your plans look good, you have to be     and consider what you can actually do.

  (A) dramatic (B) realistic (C) stressful (D) manageable

雖然你的計畫看起來不錯,你仍然必須要    ,而且要考慮到你真正能做什麼。

  (A) 戲劇性的 (B) 實際的 (C) 強調的

(D) 可控制的



Built under the sea in 1994, the                  between England and France connects the UK more closely with mainland Europe.

  (A) waterfall (B) temple (C) tunnel (D) channel

1994 年在海底下建成,介於英國和法國間的    緊密地連結了英國和歐洲大陸。

  (A) 瀑布 (B) 寺廟 (C) 隧道 (D) 管道 答:C


This tour package is very appealing, and that one looks    attractive. I don’t know which one to choose.

  (A) equally (B) annually  (C) merely (D) gratefully

這一套旅遊行程是非常地吸引人,而那一套看起來      吸引人。我真不知道選哪一個。

  (A) 相同的 (B) 每一年的 (C) 僅僅地 (D) 感激的 答:A


Hseu Fang-yi, a young Taiwanese dancer, recently                 at Lincoln Center in New York and won a great deal of praise.

  (A) performed (B) pretended (C) postponed (D) persuaded

Hseu Fang-yi,一位來自台灣年青的舞蹈者,最近在紐約市林肯中心    ,贏得了許多的讚美。

  (A) 表演 (B) 假裝 (C) 延後 (D) 說服 答:A


The police searched the house of the suspect        . They almost turned the whole house upside down.

  (A) relatively (B) thoroughly  (C) casually

(D) permanently


警方          搜索了嫌犯的房子。他們幾乎將整個房子翻了過來。

  (A) 相對地 (B) 澈底地 (C) 偶而地 (D) 永久地 答:B

二、綜合測驗( 占15分)

       What is so special about green tea? The Chinese and Indians    16    it for at least 4,000 years to treat everything from headache to depression. Researchers at Purdue University recently concluded that a compound in green tea    17    the growth of cancer cells. Green tea is also helpful 18   infection and damaged immune function. The secret power of green tea is its richness in a powerful anti-oxidant.
Green tea and black tea come from the same plant. Their    19    is in the processing. Green tea is dried but not fermented, and this shorter processing gives it a lighter flavor than black tea. It also helps retain the tea’s beneficial chemicals. That is    20    green tea is so good for health. The only reported negative effect of drinking green tea is a possible allergic reaction and insomnia due to the caffeine it contains.

16. (A) would use (B) are using (C) had used   (D) have been using
17. (A) looks after (B) slows down (C) takes over (D) turns out
18. (A) for (B) from (C) at (D) inside
19. (A) weight (B) purpose (C) difference (D) structure
20. (A) whether (B) whenever (C) what (D) why

      綠茶有什麼特別的呢?中國人和印度人 16 ()它來治療從頭痛到憂鬱所有的病症至少有 4000 年 了。Purdue大學的研究員最近表示,綠茶的某種成份可以 17 (延緩)癌細胞的生長。綠茶 18 () 感染 和破壞的免疫功能也有幫助。綠茶的神奇力量是它含有豐富的強力抗氧化劑。
綠茶和黑茶來自同樣的植物。它們的 19 (不同)是在製造過程。綠茶是烘乾而不是發酵,這個較短 的製程使得它較黑茶的味道淡。這也使得它保留了茶葉中有益的化學成份。這就是 20 (為什麼)綠茶對 健康如此有益。有報導出來喝綠茶惟一的負面效果就是由於它含有咖啡因可能會有過敏和難眠的反 應。

16. 答: (D)        

(have been using 現在完成進行式(文法書p.67),表示至以前至目前還一直在使用)

17. (A) 照顧 (B) 減緩 (C) 取代

(D) 結果

答: B

18. 答: A

(helpful for 對…有幫助)

19. (A) 重量 (B) 目的 (C) 差別

(D) 結構

答: C

20. (A) 是否 (B) 無論何時 (C) 什麼 (D) 為什麼 答: D

第21 至25 題為題組
A wise woman traveling in the mountains found a precious stone. The next day she met another traveler who was hungry. The wise woman generously opened her bag to    21    her food with the traveler. When the hungry traveler saw the precious stone, he asked her to give it to him. The woman did    22    without hesitation. The traveler left, rejoicing. If he sold the stone, he thought, he    23    enough money for the rest of his life. But in a few days he came back to find the woman. When he found her, he said, “I know how valuable this stone is, but I’m giving it back to you,    24    that you can give me something even more precious. You gave me the stone without asking for anything    25   . Please teach me what you have in your heart that makes you so generous.”

21. (A) give (B) bring (C) share

(D) earn

22. (A) so (B) such (C) as (D) thus
23. (A) had (B) had had (C) would have

(D) would have had

24. (A) hope (B) hoping (C) hoped

(D) to hope

25. (A) on leave (B) by surprise (C) off record

(D) in return

     有一位聰明的女人在山裡發現了一顆寶石。第二天她遇到了一位饑餓的遊客。這位聰明的女人慷 慨地打開她的袋子和遊客 21 她的食物。當這位饑餓的遊客看到了這顆寶石,他叫她給他這顆寶 石。這位女人沒有猶豫就 22 遵辦了 。這位遊客高興的離開了。他想著,如果他賣掉寶石,他 23 將會 足夠的錢過下半輩子了。但是沒過幾天,他回來找這位女人。當他找到了她,他說:我知道這顆寶 石非常的有價值,但是我把它還給妳,24 希望 妳能給我更有價值的東西。妳沒有要求任何的 25 回報 就把寶石給了我。請教導我,為什麼妳的心能使妳如此的慷慨。

21. (A) 給予 (B) 帶來 (C) 分享 (D) 賺取 答: C

22. 答: A

(The woman did so…遵照的做了。)

23. 答: C

If he sold the stone, he would have enough money for the rest of his life.

  主詞 假設語氣 主詞 假設語氣    
    從屬副詞子句   主要子句    

這是一篇敘述過去事情的故事。If 從屬副詞子句的動詞 sold 是過去式,主要子句用 would have 是表 示是對故事發生”當時”的假設。
(遊客才得到寶石,還沒有賣掉,只是想像如果能賣掉,將會 如何的一種假設而已;請參見 p.120)

24. 答: B

I know how valuable this stone is, but I’m giving it back to you, hoping that you can


give me something even more precious.


hoping that you can give me something even more precious 是分詞片語(文法書p.120),當作形容詞片語使用,用來修飾主詞I)

25. (A) 休假中 (B) 驚訝 (C) 不在記錄中

(D) 回報


第26 至30 題為題組
Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, is a very beautiful city. Situated on both banks of the winding River Vltava, Prague is like one big open-air museum.    26    some six hundred years of architecture nearly untouched by natural disaster or war, the city retains much of its medieval appearance.  27   you go, there are buildings in Romanic, Baroque, and Rococo styles that were popular hundreds of years ago. All of them successfully    28    the destruction of postwar redevelopment and remained unchanged. While the Iron Curtain was still in place under the communist government, Prague was     29     visited by foreigners. Since the 1990s,    30   , all that
has changed. Prague is now one of the most popular tourist attractions in Europe.

26. (A) For (B) With (C) Upon

(D) Along

27. (A) Since (B) Before (C) Whatever      (D) Wherever
28. (A) escaped (B) featured (C) defended

(D) inspired

29. (A) ever (B) seldom (C) nearly (D) wholly
30. (A) afterwards  (B) therefore  (C) however  

(D) furthermore

  捷克的首都Prague是一個非常美麗的城市。它座落於蜿蜒的Vltava河兩岸,Prague像是一個露天 的大博物館。26 有著600 年沒有被天災或戰爭損害的建築物,這個城市保留著它許多的中世紀的風 貌。不論你去27 什麼地方,都有流行了幾百年的羅馬、巴洛克和洛可可樣式的建築。它們都成功的28 了戰後重建的毀壞而保留了原樣。在共產黨政府的鐵幕時代,Prague29 極少外國人造訪。自從1990 年代,30 然而一切都改變了。Prague現在是歐洲最受歡迎的旅遊景點之一。

26. (A) 為…什麼 (B) 伴有 (C) 在…之上 (D) 沿著 答: B

27. (A) 自從 (B) 在…之前 (C) 無論什麼 (D) 無論何地 答: D

28. (A) 逃避 (B) 特色 (C) 防禦 (D) 鼓舞 答: A

29. (A) 從來 (B) 極少地 (C) 幾乎地 (D) 完全地 答: B

30. (A) 其後 (B) 因此  (C) 然而 

(D) 再者

答: C

說明:第31至40題,每題一個空格,請依文意在文章後所提供的 (A) 到 (J) 選項中分別選出最適當者,並將其英文字母代號標示在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。每題答對得1分,答錯不倒扣。

      One day, a guru foresaw in a vision what he would be in his next life. Then he called his favorite disciple and asked him, “What would you do to thank me for all you have received from me?” The disciple said he would do whatever his guru asked him to do. Having received this    31 , the guru said, “Then this is what I’d like you to do for me. I’ve just    32    that I’ll die very soon and I’m going to be reborn as a pig. Do you see that sow eating garbage there in the yard? I’m going to be the fourth piglet of its next litter. You’ll    33    me by a mark on my brow. After that sow gives birth, find the fourth piglet with a mark on its brow and, with one    34    of your knife, slaughter it. I’ll then be    35    from a pig’s life. Will you do this for me?”
The disciple felt sad to hear this, but he agreed to do as he was told. Soon after their    36   , the guru died and the sow did have a litter of four little pigs. Then the disciple    37    his knife and picked out the little pig with a mark on its brow. When he was about to cut its throat, the little pig suddenly    38   , “Stop!” Before the disciple could recover from the    39    of hearing the little pig speak in a human voice, it continued, “Don’t kill me. I want to live on as a pig. When I asked you to kill me, I didn’t know what a pig’s life would be    40   . It’s great! Just let me go.”

(A) shock (B) conversation (C) like (D) promise

(E) released

(F) screamed (G) learned (H) recognize (I) stroke (J) sharpened

      有一天,有一位印度教的導師預見了他來世的情形。然後他召集了他最喜歡的一位門徒,問他: 你要如何感謝從我所學到的東西?門徒說他願意作導師叫他作的任何事情。得到了這個31 保證,導師 說:好吧,這就是我要你為我做的事情。我已經32 知道,我會很快地就死了,而我將會重生為豬。你 有沒有看見在那個院子裡吃垃圾的母豬?我將會是它下一胎生產的第四隻小豬。你會33 認識我,我的 眉毛有一個記號。在母豬生產後,找出眉毛有一個記號的第四隻小豬,34 一揮你的刀,殺了它。我將 就會35 解脫我的豬人生。你願為我作此事嗎?
門徒聽到這事感到難過,但他同意遵辦。在他們的36 談話後不久,導師死了,母豬也產下一胎四 隻小豬。接著,門徒37 磨利他的刀,挑出那隻眉毛有一個記號的小豬。當他正要割它喉嚨的時候,小 豬突然38 尖叫:停!在門徒聽到小豬講人話,還沒從39 驚訝回神之前,它繼續說:別殺我。我願意 當豬。當我以前要你殺我時,我不知道豬的人生是40 像什麼。好極了!放了我吧。

(A) 驚訝 (B) 談話 (C) 像什麼 (D) 保證

(E) 解脫

(F) 尖叫 (G) 知道 (H) 認識 (I) 一揮

(J) 使銳利

31. (D) 32. (G) 33. (H) 34. (I) 35. (E)

36. (B)

37. (J)

38. (F)

39. (A)

40. (C)

四、閱讀測驗( 32分)

Howler monkeys are named for the long loud cries, or howls, that they make every day. They are the loudest land animal and their howls can be heard three miles away through dense forests. Male howler monkeys use their loud voices to fight for food, mates, or territory. Everyone starts and ends the day by howling to check out where their nearest competitors are.
Interestingly, when there are few howler monkeys in an area, the howling routine takes on a different  pattern.  In  Belize,  where  howler  monkeys  were  newly  reintroduced  into  a  wildlife sanctuary, the howler monkeys were heard only a few times a week rather than every day. Apparently, with plenty of space and no other howler monkeys around, there was no need to check on the whereabouts of their competitors. At the sanctuary, keepers now use recorded howler sounds from a distance so that the monkeys feel the need to make the territorial calls as they would do in the wild. In the future when the population grows, there will be no need for the recording because the howler monkeys will have more reason to check in with the neighbors to define their own territories.


Why do howler monkeys howl?

  (A) To claim their territory.

(B) To check how popular they are.

  (C) To tell others they are going to leave.

(D) To show friendliness to their neighbors.


Why did the howler monkeys in Belize howl less often?

  (A) They lived too close to each other.

(B) There was enough food for all of them.


(C) There were no other competitors around.


(D) They were not used to the weather there.


Why do the keepers at the sanctuary use recorded howls?


(A) To prevent the howler monkeys from getting homesick.


(B) To help howler monkeys maintain their howling ability.


(C) To trick the monkeys into the belief that there is plenty of space around.



To teach the monkeys how to make the loudest cries to scare people away.


According to the passage, which of the following is true about howler monkeys?


(A) They howl most often at noon.


(B) They originally came from Belize.


(C) People can hear their howls three miles away.


(D) Female monkeys howl to protect their babies.

      Howler 猴子是以它每天都以長聲嗥叫而被命名的。它們是陸地上叫聲最大的動物,它們的叫聲 可以穿越濃密的森林 3 公里外都聽的到。公的 Howler 以它們叫聲去爭奪食物、交配和地盤。每隻猴 子從早到晚都以叫聲來檢視它們競爭者的所在。
有趣的是,在一個只有少數 Howler 的地區,它們的叫聲是有規律性的。在 Belize(貝理斯),Howler 猴子被重新放生的野生動物保護區裡,它們的叫聲一週只可聽到幾次而不是每天。顯然地,在地方夠 大、沒有其他的 Howler 在附近的情況下,是沒有必要去檢視它們競爭者的所在。在保護區裡,目前 管理員是用錄音的叫聲在遠處播放,使得猴子感覺像是在野地裡一樣地有需要去叫(維護地盤)。以後 當猴子數量增加後,就不需要錄音了,因為 Howler 猴子自然會以叫聲來界定與鄰居間的地盤。

howler monkeys 為什麼要叫?

  (A) 主張地盤主權。

(B) 檢察它們有多受歡迎。

  (C) 告訴其他的猴子它們要離開了。

(D) 對鄰居表示友善。

答: A


在 Belize 的猴子為什麼叫的比較少?

  (A) 它們住的太近。

(B) 它們有充足的食物。

  (C) 附近沒有其他的競爭者。

(D) 它們對當地的氣候不習慣。

答: C




(A) 避免它們想家。

(B) 協助它們保有叫的能力。


(C) 欺騙它們以為地方很大。

(D) 教導它們叫的大聲把人嚇跑。

答: B


根據這段文章,下列有關 howler 猴子的敘述是真的?


(A) 它們通常在中午叫。

(B) 它們來自 Belize.

  (C) 人們可以在 3 公里外聽到它們的叫聲。

(D) 母猴用叫聲來保護幼猴。

答: C



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45-48 為題組
After the creation of the Glacier National Park in Montana, the growing number of park visitors increased the need for roads. Eventually, the demand for a road across the mountains led to the building of the Going-to-the-Sun Road.
The construction of the Going-to-the-Sun Road was a huge task. After 11 years of work, the final section of the road was completed in 1932. The road is considered an engineering feat. Even today, visitors to the park marvel at how such a road could have been built. It is one of the most scenic roads in North America. The construction of the road has changed the way visitors experience the Glacier National Park. Visitors now can drive over sections of the park that previously took days of horseback riding to see.
Just across the border, in Canada, is the Waterton Lakes National Park. In 1931, members of the Rotary Clubs of Alberta and Montana suggested joining the two parks as a symbol of peace and friendship between the two countries. In 1932, the United States and Canadian governments renamed the parks the Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park, the world’s first. More recently, the parks have received several international honors. They were named as a World Heritage Site in 1995. This international recognition highlights the importance of this area, not just to the United States and Canada, but to the entire world.

What made it necessary to build a road through the Glacier National Park?


(A) There were too many parks in Montana.


(B) The park was not sunny enough for visitors.


(C) The existing mountain roads were destroyed.


(D) More visitors were interested in going to the park.


How has the Going-to-the-Sun Road influenced the way people experience the Glacier National Park?


(A) The scenery along the road is too beautiful for visitors to drive carefully.



It has become a marvelous experience for people to ride horses on this road.



The road has allowed people to see more of the park in a shorter period of time.



The transportation on the road was so difficult that few people could really enjoy the trip.


What does “an engineering feat” mean?


(A) A big success in construction.

(B) A magical building machine.


(C) A great disaster for the travelers.


(D) An enjoyable process for engineers.


What is special about the Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park?


(A) It is where the glacier runs to the lake.


(B) It is the first park funded by the whole world.


(C) It is a special park built to protect wild animals.


(D) It is composed of two parks located in two countries.

      在蒙太拿州冰河國家公園建立了以後,公園遊客的成長增加了對道路的需求。這個對橫越山區道路的需求終於導致了 Going-to-the-Sun 公路的建造。
Going-to-the-Sun 公路工程是一個鉅大的工作。經過了 11 年的施工,公路的最後一段於 1932 年完成。這條公路被認為是一個工程上的成就。直到今日,遊客仍然驚訝這條公路是如何建造的。它 是北美景點最多的公路之一。這條公路的建造改變了遊客體驗冰河國家公園的方式。遊客現在可以開 車到過去需要騎許多天馬才能看得到的各個公園區域。
過了邊界,在加拿大境內是 Waterton Lakes 國家公園。在 1931 年,加拿大 Alberta 和 美國 Montana 州扶輪社的會員們建議將二個公園聯合起來以作為二國和平和友誼的象徵。在 1932 年,美 加二國政府重新命名公園為世界第一個 Waterton-Glacier 國際和平公園。近年來,這個聯合公園贏得 了幾項國際榮譽。在 1995 年,它們被稱為「世界遺產」。這個國際的認同凸顯了這個地區的重要性, 不僅是對美國和加拿大而已,而是對整個世界。



  (A) 蒙太拿州有太多的公園。

(B) 對遊客而言陽光不充足。

  (C) 現有的道路損壞。

(D) 更多的遊客有興趣去公園。

答: D


Going-to-the-Sun 公路如何影響遊客體驗冰河國家公園的方式?


(A) 沿途景色太美使得遊客無法小心開車。


(B) 人们在路上騎馬成為一個極好的經驗。


(C) 這條公路使人能在較短的時間看更多的地方。


(D) 公路運輸很困難以致很少人能夠真正地享受旅程。

答: C




(A) 建築上的一項大成功。

(B) 一個奇特的建築機器。


(C) 對遊客是一個大災難。

(D) 對工程師是一個美好的建築過程。

答: A


Waterton-Glacier 國際和平公園有什麼特別的?

  (A) 它是冰河流入湖裡的地方。

(B) 它是全世界建造的第一個公園。


(C) 它是保護野生動物的一個特別公園。


(D) 它是由位於二個國家所組成的公園。


答: D

Ice sculpting is a difficult process. First, ice must be carefully selected so that it is suitable for sculpting. Its ideal material is pure, clean water with high clarity. It should also have the minimum amount of air bubbles. Perfectly clear ice blocks weighing 140 kg and measuring 100 cm × 50 cm
× 25 cm are available from the Clinebell Company in Colorado. Much larger clear blocks are produced in Europe and Canada or harvested from a frozen river in Sweden. These large ice blocks are used for large ice sculpting events and for building ice hotels.
Another difficulty in the process of ice sculpting is time control. The temperature of the environment affects how quickly the piece must be completed to avoid the effects of melting. If the sculpting does not take place in a cold environment, then the sculptor must work quickly to finish his piece. The tools used for sculpting also affect when the task can be accomplished. Some sculptures can be completed in as little as ten minutes if power tools are used. Ice sculptors also use razor-sharp chisels that are specifically designed for cutting ice. The best ice chisels are made in Japan, a country that, along with China, has a long tradition of magnificent ice sculptures.
Ice sculptures are used as decorations in some cuisines, especially in Asia. When holding a dinner party, some large restaurants or hotels will use an ice sculpture to decorate the table. For example, in a wedding banquet it is common to see a pair of ice-sculpted swans that represent the union of the new couple.


What kind of ice is ideal for sculpting?

  (A) Ice from ice hotels.

(B) Ice from clean water.


(C) Ice with lots of bubbles in it.

(D) Ice weighing over 100 kilograms.


Why is ice sculpting difficult?

  (A) It is hard to control the size and shape of the ice.

(B) The right theme for ice sculpting is not easy to find.


(C) The appropriate tools are only available in some countries.


(D) It is not easy to find the right kind of ice and work environment.


What is paragraph 3 mainly about?

  (A) The uses of ice sculptures. (B) The places where ice is sculpted.
  (C) The quality of ice sculptures.

(D) The origin of ice sculpting parties.


Which of the following statements is true about the process of sculpting ice?


(A) It takes more time to carve with razor-sharp chisels.


(B) It can be finished in 10 minutes if the right tools are used.


(C) Larger blocks of ice from Sweden are easier to handle for sculptors.


(D) The carver must work fast in a cold environment to avoid catching cold.

      冰雕是一個困難的過程。首先,冰塊必須小心的挑選才能適合雕刻。它理想的材質是純而乾淨、 高度清澈的水。它的空氣泡也必須非常少。科羅拉多州 Clinebell 公司可以提供完美清澈重量 140 公 斤、體積 100x50x25 公分的冰塊。更大的清澈冰塊是在歐洲和加拿大生產或在瑞典的一條結冰的河流 中採收。
另一個冰雕困難的過程是時間控制。周遭環境的溫度影響作品必須如何快速完成以避免溶化。假 如雕刻不是在冷的環境下進行的話,雕工必須快速地完成他的作品。雕刻工具也影響工作何時可以完 成。如果使用強力工具的話,有些雕刻作品只要 10 分鐘即可完成。冰雕工也使用極銳利的鑿子來切 割冰塊。最好的冰鑿是日本製的,日本和中國有非常好的冰雕長久傳統。
有些國家,尤其在亞洲,冰雕是用來當作菜餚的裝飾。當舉行晚晏時,有些大型飯店或旅館會使 用冰雕來裝飾餐桌。例如,在一個結婚的宴會中,經常可以看見一對冰雕的天鵝來代表新夫妻的結合。




(A) 冰雕旅館中的冰塊。

(B) 純水製造的冰塊。


(C) 有許多空氣泡的冰塊。

(D) 超過 100 公斤的冰塊。

答: B




(A) 冰塊的大小和型狀控制困難。

(B) 好的冰雕主題不容易找。


(C) 只有幾個國家有適當的工具。

(D) 不容易找到好的冰塊和工作環境。 答: D



  (A) 冰雕作品的用途。

(B) 冰雕的工作地點。

  (C) 冰雕的品質。

(D) 冰雕宴會的起源。

答: A




(A) 使用極銳利的鑿子來雕刻更花時間。

  (B) 如果使用正確的工具,只要 10 分鐘即可完成。

(C) 來自瑞典較大的冰塊雕工較易處理。


(D) 雕工在冷的環境必須快速工作以避免感冒。

答: B

53-56 為題組
If you touch your finger to a hot stove, you know it’s going to hurt. However, if you convince yourself beforehand that the pain won’t be so bad, you might not suffer as much. According to a recent study, the part of your brain that reacts to severe pain is largely the same part that reacts to expectation of pain.
Researchers in this study worked with 10 volunteers, ages 24 to 46. Each volunteer wore a device that gave out 20-second-long pulses of heat to the right leg. There were three levels of heat, producing mild, moderate, or strong pain. During training, the volunteers would first hear a tone, followed by a period of silence, and then feel a heat pulse. They then learned to associate the length of the silent pause with the intensity of the upcoming heat pulse. The longer the pause, the stronger the heat pulse would be, causing more severe pain.
A day or two later, the real experiment began. The researchers found that the parts of the brain involved in learning, memory, emotion, and touch became more active as the volunteers expected higher levels of pain. These were mainly the same areas that became active when participants actually felt pain. Interestingly, when the volunteers expected only mild or moderate pain but experienced severe pain, they reported feeling 28 percent less pain than when they expected severe pain and actually got it.
The new study emphasizes that pain has both physical and psychological elements. Understanding how pain works in the mind and brain could eventually give doctors tools for helping people cope with painful medical treatments.

What is the main idea of the passage?


(A) We should learn to be sensitive to pain.


(B) Our feeling of pain is decided by our environment.


(C) How people feel pain remains unknown to scientists.


(D) Our reaction to pain is closely related to our expectation of pain.


Which of the following is true about the pulses of heat in the study?


(A) Each heat pulse lasted for 20 seconds.


(B) The pulses were given to the arms of the volunteers.


(C) Different devices gave out different levels of heat pulses.


(D) There were two levels of heat intensity given to the volunteers.


How did the volunteers learn to expect different levels of heat?


(A) From the loudness of the tone they heard.


(B) From the instruction given to them by the researchers.


(C) From the color of a light flashing on the device they wore.


(D) From the length of the pause between a tone and the heat pulse.


According to the passage, what may be the author’s advice to a doctor before a surgery?


(A) To provide the patient with more pain killers.


(B) To talk to the patient and ease his/her worries.


(C) To give the patient strong heat pulses beforehand.


(D) To emphasize the possible severe pain to the patient.

      假如你用手指去碰熱火爐,你知道它會受傷。然而,如果你事先讓你自己相信不會太痛,也許你所承受的疼痛就不會太大。根據一項最近的研究,腦中對劇痛反應的部位與對疼痛期待反應的部位大 致相同。
在這個研究中的研究員和 10 位 24-46 歲自願者一起工作。每一個自願者都在右腿穿上一個可以 發出 20 秒熱流的裝置。熱量有三級可以造成輕微、溫和和強烈疼痛。在訓練中,自願者會先聽到一 個聲音,然後靜音,然後感到一股熱流。接著,他們要學習聯想靜音時間的長短和即將來到熱流的強度。靜音時間愈長、熱流愈強、會造成更大的疼痛。
一二天之後,實驗正式開始。研究員發現自願者期待更疼痛時,腦中對學習、記憶、情緒、觸覺 的部位會較活躍。這些部位與參與者真正感到疼痛而活躍的部位大致相同。有趣的是,當自願者預期 輕微或溫和疼痛而體驗到強烈疼痛時,較他們預期強烈疼痛就體驗到強烈疼痛時,他們覺得疼痛減少
這個項新研究強調,疼痛有生理和心理的因素。瞭解疼痛在心理和腦中的運作,終究可以給醫生 一些工具幫助人們調適一些疼痛的醫治。




(A) 我們應該學者對疼痛要反應靈敏。


(B) 我們感覺疼痛由我們的環境來決定。


(C) 人為什麼會感覺疼痛科學仍然無解。


(D) 我們對疼痛的反應和我們對疼痛的期待密切相關。

答: D



  (A) 每一次的熱流有 20 秒。

(B) 熱流在自願者的手臂發出。

  (C) 不同的裝置發出不同程度的熱流。

(D) 給予自願者有二種不同程度的熱流。

答: A



  (A) 從他們聽到的聲音。

(B) 從研究員給他們的指示。

  (C) 從他們身上的裝置發出閃光的顏色。

(C) 從他們身上的裝置發出閃光的顏色。





(A) 給病人更多止痛藥。

(B) 跟病人談話消除他/她的疑慮。


(C) 事先給病人較強的熱流。

(D) 跟病人強調可能的劇痛。

答: B

第貳部分: 非選擇題( 28分)

一、翻譯題( 8分)


  1. 應付考試的翻譯,要以逐字翻譯為主才會得高分。
  2. 先看中文的句子結構,再來決定英文的句子結構要如何寫。以下列考題為例:


    主詞 動詞    



Listening to music can be a pleasurable life-time hobby.

    主詞 動詞 主詞捕語      

Listening to music 是一個動名詞片語,是當作名詞片語使用(文法書p.150)



    (由"能彈奏...可以帶來...." 來判斷,可以用條件句來寫)

However, if you know how to play music instruments, it will bring you more joy.

  連接性副詞 主詞 動詞 副詞 不定詞片語 主詞 動詞 受詞 形容詞 名詞(受詞補語)

二、英文作文( 20分)

提示︰你(英文名字必須假設為 George 或 Mary)向朋友(英文名字必須假設為 Adam 或 Eve)借了一件相當珍貴的物品,但不慎遺失,一時又買不到替代品。請寫一封信,第一段說明物品遺失 的經過,第二段則表達歉意並提出可能的解決方案。

請注意:為避免評分困擾,請使用上述提示的George或Mary在信末署名,不得使用自己真實的中文 或英文姓名


1.  寫信要簡單明瞭,不亢不卑,誠實誠懇。
2.  格式要正確,手寫書信以半對齊式(semi-block form)較多。
3.  考題雖然沒有要求加上日期,但仍應該列上較妥。
4.  文法不要有錯誤。
5.  跟別人借書應是很熟的朋友,稱呼用 Dear George, 或 Dear Mary, 即可;標點符號不需要用冒號「:」,用逗號「,」即可。
(如何寫英文書信:請參考本書網站www.amstarcreative.com =>英語學習園區=> goodies)


                                                                                      February 2, 2008

Dear Eve,

        Do you remember the earrings you lent to me last month? I wore it often during my vacation in Paris. One night, after a dinner party, when I got back to the hotel, I found the earrings were missing. I tried to trace back everywhere I had been, but I was still unable to find it. Then, I visited nearly all the stores in Paris in seek of an identical pair of earrings for you. Luck was obviously not on my side; I was told those earrings were limited edition and had been sold out.

        I am deeply sorry. Since I can’t buy it anywhere, I don’t know if you could accept my paying back US$500 as a compensation for your losses. Once again I am truly sorry for my clumsiness.

        I look forward to hearing from you soon.



(Signed here)











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